
Brazilian food^^Yummy

I was able to find Brazilian food introduced from Brazilian friend.

1. Pao de Queijo

This food is Brazilian Cheese Bread.

It's very delicious.


This seems to be the most popular soda drink in Brazil.
I felt vitality when I drank it.

If you find these food,you have to buy them soon.
You will be surely satisfied.


I went to the concert of Shonen Knife (9.12.2012)

I went to the concert of Shonen Knife on last Sunday.(9.12.2012)

Shone Knife is cute girl's band in Japan.

The place of the concert is in Nagoya City.

It snowed there.

I got the ticket.

I've waited about 30 minutes and the concert started.

I was able to see near the stage.

I spent a happy & exciting time.

After that, I bought items of Shonen Knife.

Cute bag

They gave signatures to me.


Shonen Knife have the concert at various country.

If they visit your country, you might go to their concert.

You will spend a happy & exciting time there.